Tuesday, February 14, 2017

80's Month Day 14: When Harry Met Sally

It's Valentine's Day and, while I've never been much of a fan of romantic-comedies, it only seems fitting that I review one today. So, I've picked one of the more tolerable one's, 1989's When Harry Met Sally starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.

The film follows a lot of common romantic-comedy tropes and would probably be pretty dull and generic if not for a good chemistry between it's two leading actors. Additionally, having Billy Crystal makes it one the rare films within this sub-genre to actually be funny.  The movie starts with Harry (Crystal) and Sally (Ryan) meeting right out of college through Sally's friend who Harry happens to be dating and initially they don't really get along. After making the trip from Chicago to New York City the two part ways with no intention of seeing one another again. The film then jumps five years to a chance encounter the two have at an airport, and Harry doesn't remember who Sally is at first, but she's dating someone Harry knows and he remembers while on the airplane. Jump ahead another five years and this is where the film really gets rolling. Sally is fresh out of a long time relationship and Harry is about to be divorced. They meet up, talk about their failed relationships, and grow to be friends. They go through ups and downs together and they both try dating again but, because romantic-comedies notoriously predictable, you know they'll get together in the end.

Overall, like I wrote at the start, I'm not much of a fan of these types of movies. However, this one is well paced, pretty entertaining, and most of the comedy does hit the mark.
So, I give it a 3 out of 5.

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