Monday, October 21, 2019

Dog Soldiers

2002's Dog Soldiers is a film that I've been meaning to watch for quite a while but just never got around to until now. 

Directed by Neil Marshall, this horror movie is about a group of soldiers who are sent into the woods in Scotland to participate in a training exercise. It's not long before the team stumbles upon a Special Forces camp that has clearly been attacked. Realizing that they are now in in some serious danger, they tend to the wounds of the only surviving Special Forces member and quickly abandon the camp. Almost immediately after, they are attacked by a werewolf with one soldier being killed and another being severely wounded. the group flees towards a nearby road where they are picked up and driven to a farm house by a local woman. From there the film takes a sort of Night of the Living Dead approach, with this group of people trapped in house that is surrounded by monsters. They board up the windows, assess what supplies they have for survival, formulate a few escape plans... all the usual stuff.

I'm not going to call this one a 'great movie' but, I was entertained throughout. It was tense when it needed to be, most of the acting was pretty good, the creature effects were well done, and it's easily one of the better werewolf movies that I've seen. Overall, I had a good time with it and I recommend checking it out if you've never seen it.
 3.5 out of 5

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