Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Western Wednesday: Shalako

This 1968 Western stars Brigitte Bardot and Sean Connery, and was one of the films that just barely missed the cut on my "10 Sean Connery Movies Everyone Should See" list (you can check out that list here).

The film starts off with a group of wealthy Europeans who are on a hunting trip in New Mexico. For whatever reason they've ventured into Apache territory, and that proves to be a terrible idea.
 A French countess named Irina Lazaar (played by Brigitte Bardot) wanders off and she is soon confronted by some Apaches. Luckily for her she is rescued by Sean Connery wearing cowboy hat... I mean, "Shalako".

Shalako is a former Civil War cavalry officer and has been sent by the Army to get the party out of Apache territory. However, the leader of the party, Frederick von Hallstadt refuses to leave and the Apache soon raid the party's camp. To make matters worse, the party's guide Bosky Fulton takes off with the stage coach, guns and ammunition, and supplies, leaving the party stranded. But they have Shalako, and he's gonna to lead them on foot to an Army fort. Along the way, some Apaches catch up with the hunting party and there is a one-on-one spear fight between Shalako and the Apache chief's son Chato. Shalako is about to win and kill Chato, but the chief intervenes and offers to let the party go on their way safely to the fort if Shalako will agree to spare his sons life.
So, they get to the fort, the hunting party is safe, and Shalako and The Countess ride off together.

Overall, it's not great but it's a decent movie and pretty entertaining. I like Brigitte Bardot in the film and Sean Connery, though not someone you'd typically cast in a Western, is still good.

I give this one a 3 out of 5.

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