Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Some Brief Thoughts on the Blade Runner Films

I really like Ridley Scott's 1982 film Blade Runner. For those who don't know, it's an adaptation of the 1968 Philip K. Dick novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?', and takes place in the futuristic time of 2019... No, I don't love it like some people do but I do like like it. The themes are interesting and visually I find the movie captivating. It does however lack a little bit on story and there are some scenes that drag on way too long. I think that it's 2017 sequel (Blade Runner 2049 directed by Denis Villeneuve) takes what works about the first film and does it just a little better, and thus, I feel like it's a slightly better movie. Also, I personally think Ryan Gosling's Officer K is a more interesting protagonist in the sequel.

 I didn't see the first one until about two decades after it's initial release and by then numerous people had given me their synopsis of the film. When I finally did end up watching it, there were several things that I took away that no one had even mentioned. That speaks to what turned the original into a cult classic, everyone seems to get a little something different out of it. It's a fun movie to discuss with friends and to revisit every so often. I don't know if Blade Runner 2049 will eventually earn that same cult status because, now more than ever, movies have become about pure spectacle. As of writing this the film came out over a year ago and I know very few people who have seen it. I hope that over time, through Blu-ray and streaming services, it becomes a beloved as the original.

Overall, as a double feature, I wouldn't recommend watching the two back-to-back. By design the films are both atmospheric, slow-burns that combine for a 4.5+ hour runtime that you will feel every minute of. They are very good, some would even argue great, films but neither one was a hit at the box-office and they are definitely not movies I'd recommend to everyone. If you like sci-fi films that make you think a bit (rather than the good guys and bad guys just shooting space lasers at each other kind) and you don't mind movies that take their time then you will probably really enjoy these.

I give Blade Runner a 4 out of 5 
I give Blade Runner 2049 a 4.5 out of 5.