Thursday, June 29, 2017

Sandy Wexler (2017)

Curiosity finally got the better of me. Despite repeatedly seeing this title pop up on Netflix and saying to myself "Not this time Sandler, I won't get burned again", I couldn't help it. There was a time in my life when I was a big fan of Adam Sandler, I had a few of his comedy albums and movies like 1995's 'Billy Madison', 1996's 'Happy Gilmore' and 1998's 'The Wedding Singer' are films that I still get a lot of laughs out of. However, over the last 15+ years, the decline of Sandler has resulted in many films that don't even come close to duplicating the entertainment value of his earlier works. 
This film, about a small-time 90's talent manager, is just another bad movie in Adam Sandler's filmography. The jokes don't land, the main characters aren't that interesting, the 'heart-felt' moments feel contrived, and even though the runtime is just over two hours it feels like it's never gonna end. It's another dumb voice, awkward Sandler character bumbling and stumbling through a paper-thin plot. 

The one positive about the film is that it's fun to see the ridiculous amount of cameos in the film. "Weird Al" Yankovic, Jimmy Kimmel, Dana Carvey, Darius Rucker, Mike Judge, Penn Jillette, Henry Winkler, Jon Lovitz, Chris Rock, Judd Apatow, Jay Leno, and a long list of others pop in at various points throughout.

Overall, it's a bad movie and I can't honestly think of one person I know that would actually enjoy it.
I give this one a 0 out of 5.

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