Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hamlet & Hutch

I'm a big fan of the late, great Burt Reynolds, and I even wrote a piece a while back about 10 of his movies that I recommend people see (you can check that one out HERE). However, until today I had not seen the 2015 Direct-to-DVD film Hamlet & Hutch. 

In the film Reynolds plays Papa Hutch, an old theater actor who is suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer's. This forces him to move from New York to the Georgia and in with his granddaughter and his 11 year old great granddaughter, Liv. Hutch and Liv quickly develop a bond based on their mutual love of both acting and a greyhound appropriately named Hamlet. Toward the latter third of the film both Hamlet and Hutch go missing. Hutch turns up at a church relatively quickly, but Hamlet remains missing until the sappy, predictable, 'if you believe hard enough' conclusion.

Overall, it's not a great movie. The production quality is low and the acting is hit and miss (mostly misses). I wouldn't recommend it, but it's not completely unwatchable.
 I give this one a 1 out of 5.

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