Monday, March 2, 2020

Quick Takes

I wanted to try something different with this post. Obviously since I write a movie blog, I watch a lot of movies every week. Sometimes, whether it be because I don't have a ton to say about a particular movie, or I watched a few films in one day, or because I'm working on a more time consuming project (like the '10 Movies Everyone Should See' series) there are movies I just don't get around to dedicating a full blog post to. So, here are some quick thoughts on the things I've watched recently.

First off, Splice. 
This 2009 sci-fi/horror film stars Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley and Delphine Chaneac. Despite owning the Blu-ray for quite awhile, it wasn't until this week that I got around to watching it. I thought it was ok. Cool concept about a gene-splicing experiment gone wrong, and the acting throughout is decent. It just didn't quite stick the landing for me.
2.5 out of 5

Next up, The Last of the Mohicans.
I watch this movie probably once every year or two, so it is surprising that I never wrote about it in a blog post. It's a terrific movie, especially if the you're into films that take take place during Colonial-era America. It's not my favorite film that Daniel Day-Lewis has starred in but, I highly recommend it.
4.5 out of 5

Here's one that I actually had to watch twice because I wasn't sure if I loved it or hated it. 2013's Under the Skin is an oddly mesmerizing movie, which stars Scarlett Johansson as an alien that is seducing men around Scotland. After the second viewing, when I knew what I was in for, I ended up really liking the film.
4 out of 5

Here's a movie that is bad: 2018's 7 Guardians of the Tomb starring Kelsey Grammer, Li Bingbing, and Kellan Lutz. I wasn't expecting anything great from this baragain bin pickup but, I was just hoping for a decently entertaining adventure flick. It's pretty boring, with a weak plot, and people just running away from spiders for three-quaters of the film. Skip this one if you come across it.
1 out of 5

And finally the last film I want to mention is the 1997 comedy Liar Liar starring Jim Carrey. I've always thought this was one of Carrey's better movies but, I hadn't seen it in quite a few years. Yes, it's a dumb movie built around a simple premise; what if a guy who lies constantly suddenly can't for one whole day. That being said, despite the thin plot, it still holds up and I got a lot of laughs out of it. It's a good pick if you're looking for a light-hearted comedy.
3 out of 5

Those are a few random movies that I've watched over the last week or so. I'm always trying to experiment with different ideas for posts here, so let me know if you like this or not. I'm still going to be doing regular reviews, 10 Movies Everyone Should See, I might bring back Western Wednesday's, and maybe another decade themed month pretty soon (I've already done the 70's and 80's).

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