Monday, October 28, 2019

The Tooth Fairy

I've been posting about a number of horror films lately in the lead up Halloween. So far I've written about Dog Soldiers, WolfCop, American Poltergeist, and Exorcism of the Dead. That trend continues today with The Tooth Fairy (not to be confused with the 2010 family-comedy Tooth Fairy starring Dwayne Johnson). 

Released in 2006 The Tooth Fairy is about a old witch who takes children's teeth with the promise of gifts in exchange. The kids never receive the gifts but, are instead brutally murdered and their teeth are kept inside the witch's magic music-box. The film actually starts out with one of these murders and then jumps several decades forward to the present day. A man named Peter (played by Lochlyn Munro) is restoring the witch's house and turning into a cozy bed and breakfast. Peter invites his girlfriend and her daughter Pamela up to the house for a relaxing weekend, but thing go south pretty quickly. After befriending the ghost of another young girl and learning the legend of the evil witch known as the 'Tooth Fairy', Pamela looses a tooth. This, along with the restoration of the home, awakens the witch and she goes on a killing spree. 

This movie is a mess. The witch is after Pamela's tooth but most of her killings seem unrelated to that goal. There are also these two redneck characters who aren't necessary to the plot, and I think were just added to pad the runtime. The acting isn't good, but it's passable for a direct-to-video horror flick. The biggest problem however is that I didn't find this film all that interesting. There are a couple of good kills and some unitentionally funny moments but, it's not enough to earn this movie a recommendation from me.
I give The Tooth Fairy a 1 out of 5.

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