Monday, September 5, 2016

A Look Back At Batman (1989)

A Look Back At Batman (1989)

In honor of Michael Keaton turning 65 today, let’s look back at one of his greatest roles: 1989’s Batman.
Directed by Tim Burton and starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson this is still the gold standards by which all comic book movies should be judged.
It’s the perfect blend of seriousness and fun.The film has some darkeness to it but it’s not depressing, and Gotham City has a great stylized surreal comic book vibe.
The film is enjoyable, and the writers didn’t try to over complicate the plot. The bad guy (in this case the Joker played by Nicholson) is just a bad guy. The hero is just the hero, you never have to questioned it.
As much as I enjoy getting solid comic book movies every year (mostly thanks to the MCU) in today’s movie world you sometimes have to see three or four other movies just to understand all of the references in the one you’re trying to watch right now. This is one you can just pop in for 2 hours and have a good time watching Batman do Batman things.
So if you’ve never seen it, or maybe just haven’t seen it recently, give it a watch. In my opinion, it’s far and away the best Batman movie.

5 out of 5

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