Monday, October 24, 2016

Today's Movie: Knight and Day (2010)

Knight and Day is a 2010 action/comedy starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.

The film clicks along at a brisk pace, keeps it entertaining, and provides quite a bit of action. There are car chases, shootouts, hand-to-hand combat, cool stunts and all the other stuff you’d expect in a big-budget action flick. That’s where one of my issues with it comes in; it’s a bit formulaic and feels like a dozen other action movies. I enjoy the movie and there isn’t a dull moment throughout, but you’re going to get a pretty average, MacGuffin driven, plot.

The basic setup involves June Havens (played by Diaz) who is on a flight from Kansas to Boston for her sister’s wedding. In her travels she meets Roy Miller (played by Cruise) who, as she quickly finds out, is a covert agent and June soon finds herself in the middle of the action. It turns out Miller was double-crossed by a fellow agent because there is a new perpetual energy battery (called a ‘Zephyr’) that will change the world. Roy is in possession of the battery and the CIA wants it. There is also an arms dealer that wants the battery, because why not? 

Now, while it is a fairly predictable movie, there are some positives that make it enjoyable. First off, this one is right in Tom Cruise’s wheelhouse, he plays charismatic secret agent-type better than just about anyone. Also, there is a good chemistry between Cruise and Diaz, and while the twists and turns of the plot are pretty conventional, it’s still a fun ride.

Overall, I give this one 3.5 out of 5.

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