Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A Quick Review of "Shoot 'Em Up"

Well, the movie delivers what the title promised...

When I picked this one up I expected a slightly over the top action flick, but this movie doesn't f*** around. Clive Owen shoves a carrot through a guy's skull and then quips "Eat your vegetables", gets involved in a massive firefight, delivers a baby, and jumps through a window... and all of that is just in the first scene. From there movie never lets up. If you like movies with a bunch cheesy one-liners, tons of way over the top action, and a rockin' soundtrack then I can't recommend this movie enough.

 Is a great film? No, but I liked it and 15 year old me would've loved it. The film does have a plot but it's pretty thin and only serves to move the characters from one bone-breaking, bullet-riddled action set piece to the next. Oh, and Paul Giamatti is in it as the bad guy so that's a plus.

4 out of 5.

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