Monday, August 13, 2018

Today's Movie: Just Cause

"If that's a confession, then my ass is a banjo!"

Just Cause is a 1995 crime-thriller that just missed the cut on my '10 Movies That I Like but Everyone Else Seems To Hate' list because, while it wasn't a hit with critics, I have recommended it to friends who have seemed to enjoy it. The film stars Sean Connery, Laurence Fishburne, and a pretty strong supporting cast. It's a fairly standard crime-thriller overall and fans of the genre will likely be able to predict the big plot twist. For those who haven't seen it and don't want this 23 yr old film spoiled for them I'll just give the setup and a few of my opinions.

Sean Connery plays former lawyer and current Harvard Law School professor Paul Armstrong. One night after a debate he is persuaded by an elderly woman to travel to Florida and reexamine the case against Bobby Earl Ferguson who is currently sitting on death row. Soon after arriving in Florida Armstrong learns that the chief detective on the case, Tanny Brown (played by Fishburne) coerced Bobby Earl's confession. Brown is sure that Bobby Earl is guilty and Armstrong is convinced that a botched investigation put the wrong man in prison, so the two are constantly butting heads and suspicious of each other.

As for some of my thoughts on the film; the acting throughout is mostly solid, and the film being set in the Everglades is a nice change from the usual New York, Chicago, or L.A. of so many crime films. Like I stated earlier, the twist is pretty predictable and the plot isn't anything groundbreaking. Also, it's a little bit of a stretch to think a then 65 yr old Connery was the dad to an 11 yr old Scarlett Johansson, but I'll give the movie a pass on that one.

Overall, not one of the top movies on Connery's filmography but not a bad flick either.
I give it a 3.5 out of 5

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