Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Today's Movie: Black Mass

Black Mass is a 2015 crime film starring Johnny Depp, and it's about real life Boston crime boss James "Whitey" Bulger. I like a good crime-drama and this is a film I had been meaning to get around to watching for some time but, it just kept getting pushed to the bottom of the stack. Right off the bat, I've never been a big Johnny Depp fan. Sure, there are a few gems but, I think too many of the movies that make up his his filmography involve him putting on a wacky costume, over-acting, and doing a dumb voice (see: Mortdecai, The Lone Ranger, Dark Shadows, 2010's Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, all of the Pirates of the Caribbean films etc.). That being said, I think he's good in this film.

The film starts off in 1975 with Bulger as a fairly small-time criminal, but soon shows him making a deal with FBI agent John Connolly (played by Joel Edgerton) to become an informant. This arrangement between the two allows Bulger to operate and gain power while Connolly diverts the heat to other crime bosses. Intercut throughout the movie are quick scenes with older versions of members from Bulgers gang giving statements to the FBI and, even though in some films this can be distracting, I think they pulled it off in a way that enhanced the film.

Overall, this is a solid film that I'd recommend to anyone who is interested in organized crime stories. At times it felt a little longer than it's two-hour runtime but, the subject matter is compelling enough that I can excuse a scene or two that drag a bit too long.
I give this one a 3.5 out of 5

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