Sunday, May 26, 2019

Aladdin (2019)

Disney's latest live-action remake/retelling of one of their classic animated films is Aladdin. I wrote a blog post a little while back about these remakes (you can check that out HERE) and my conclusion was that they're a bit of a mixed-bag overall. The same holds true with this one, and it may end up being the most average movie this year. I did like a good deal of stuff in the film but it's mostly stuff I like about the original... You ever watch 1992's Aladdin? Well, then you've pretty much seen this one. 

Aside from this one being live-action there are a few differences worth noting; This genie is of course played by Will Smith and, while he doesn't have quite the high energy of the late Robin Williams, I liked this interpretation enough. There are also a few new songs intermixed along with the old ones, and some minor tweaks to story but nothing significant. 

Overall, I found the movie pretty entertaining. It's a big budget Disney film ($183 million according to Box Office Mojo), with a solid Director in Guy Ritchie, a decent amount of spectacle, and a good cast. 
It's not as good as the animated one in my opinion and I'm not going to rush out to see it again, but it's ok.
 2.5 out of 5

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