Friday, May 31, 2019

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Godzilla: King of the Monsters is the follow up to both the 2014 Godzilla film and 2017's Kong: Skull Island. I'm normally not in favor of adding qualifiers when discussing whether a movie is good or not. However, in the case of the Godzilla films there is 'Good' and then there is 'Good for a giant monster movie'. That's not a slight against this or any of the other of the films, I LOVE Godzilla movies but plot, character development and acting takes a backseat to the destruction and giant monster fights. After all, that's what I think most people who see these movies (myself included) are paying to see. 

The setup to the big monster action revolves around a device that emits frequencies that can awaken, calm, or even enrage the different monsters or "Titans" as everyone in the movie refers to them. An eco-terrorist organization plans to use this device to awaken all of the creatures in order to bring balance back to the Earth... Yea, it's one of those 'man is the real monster' because we pollute the planet plots. Of course, this is a stupid plan and when Ghidorah starts wreaking uncontrollable havoc Godzilla has to save the day and reclaim his place as King of the Monsters. While the plot is nothing special, I was happy that the monsters were shown a lot more than in the 2014 film. However, I do wish the final confrontation wasn't another fight in the rain at night.

If you're going to see this one, then I suggest trying to see it on as big of a screen as possible. I took my 7 year-old (who had been dying to see it since he saw the first trailer), and we both had a hood time. Our local AMC had it playing in one of their biggest theaters which is the ideal way to watch something like this in my opinion. It's a film that is worth checking out for the spectacle rather than story and, although I wouldn't call it a great movie overall, I had fun with it.
I give this one 3.5 out of 5 and it's probably something I'll end up purchasing on Blu-ray when it comes out.

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