Monday, May 13, 2019

Crocodile Dundee II

The follow-up to 1986's Crocodile Dundee, and taking place shortly after the events of that film, is the aptly named Crocodile Dundee II. Released in 1988, the sequel picks up with Mick Dundee and Sue Charlton (played again by Paul Hogan and Linda Kozlowski respectively) living together in New York City. When Sue gets kidnapped by a drug lord because her ex-husband mailed her some evidence for safe keeping, it's up to Mick to save her. After he does, the cartel wants revenge and sets out to kill Mick and Sue. So they head to Australia because Mick feels safer there then in protective custody. Of course, this proves to be the right decision because the cartel doesn't stand a chance trying to take on Dundee on his own turf.

There are some good moments in this sequel but they're few and far between. Some of the fish-out-of-water bits with Dundee in New York are funny, but overall it lacks a lot of the charm of the original. Pacing is the biggest issue here for me. Even though I like these characters, the film is less than 15 minutes longer than the first one and yet it feel SO much longer. By the time Mick rescues Sue from the drug lord's mansion in New York it feels like the film should be wrapping up but, that happens around the halfway point.

Despite this film doing very well at the box-office is 1988 (earning $239,606,210 worldwide according to Box Office Mojo), it was panned by critics and for good reason. For an 'adventure-comedy' it doesn't deliver enough of either in my opinion and, even though I've seen it multiple times, I don't recommend it. 

1.5 out of 5

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