Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Quick Review of Venom

Oh boy, this one is a train wreck.
The best way I can think to describes Venom is as a dated piece of 90's comic-adaptation trash that somehow found itself being released in 2018. It's a poorly constructed film overall, with dodgy CGI, inconsistent acting, some terrible (though sometimes unintentionally funny) dialogue, haphazard editing, and a musical score that is comically over-dramatic at times. No, the villain's plan doesn't make a whole lot of sense, there's a chase scene that goes on for a bit too long, and the final fight does devolve into a nearly unintelligible CGI mess. However, if you can look past all of that -and- a pretty boring first 30 minutes, then the remaining runtime of the film is so aggressively dumb that it actually manages to be sort of entertaining... and the AMC I went to was giving out a free movie tie-in comic, so that's something.
Despite a small moment here and there that I found enjoyable, I honestly can't think of anyone I would recommend this one to.
1 out of 5

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