Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Western Wednesday: The Star Packer

The Star Packer is a 1934 John Wayne film, and was one of NINE films to star 'The Duke' that year (the others being The Lucky Texan, Blue Steel, 'Neath the Arizona Skies, The Lawless Frontier, The Trail Beyond, Randy Rides Alone, West of the Divide, and The Man From Utah). 

In the film Wayne's character, John Travers, becomes sheriff of a small town after the previous sheriff is shot and killed. This town and folks occupying the surrounding outskirts are, as usual, being hassled by some outlaws. What's interesting is that this particular group of outlaws is being given orders by a mysterious man known only as "The Shadow". So it's up to Travers, and his faithful native-american sidekick Yak, to set up a trap and capture "The Shadow" and his gang, thus saving the town.

This is a relatively short film with a runtime of only about an hour and it's pretty easy to find if you want to check it out. You'll frequently see it bundled in John Wayne DVD compilation packs and it's free on Amazon Prime Video. That being said, it definitely isn't one of Wayne's better films, and not a "must-see" unless you're a big John Wayne fan determined to go through his whole filmography.

1.5 out of 5

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